of Susan Boyle was soon setting
new records as millions tuned in to
witness the new sensation.
As I recall the performance of ‘Miss
overconfident’ I cannot help but
think of the toothless nature of
popular, present day Christianity. A
people who worship a God who is
nothing more than a mental image
of the One spoken of in Scriptures.
‘Miss overconfident’ epitomises
what I often see posted on the
Facebook feed of my Christian
friends i.e. ‘Believe in yourself’
which is really translated ‘Create a
false lofty image of yourself.’ With
statements such as these many of
our Christian friends are tricking
their minds into believing they are
something that they are not. As I
can recall, the people mostly used
by God in Scriptures were people
with little or no self confidence.
Moses thought he wasn’t worthy as
he wasn’t a good speaker. Gideon
was hiding when the angel visited
him. Isaiah, when he saw the Lord,
said he was undone as he was a
man with unclean lips. The list goes
Shouldn’t we be confident?
Confidence is very important, the
problem is misplaced confidence
i.e. putting our confidence in the
wrong thing. Paul says, “For we
are the circumcision, who worship
God in the Spirit, rejoice in Christ
Jesus, and have no confidence in
the flesh…” Philippians 3:3 Paul
stepped away from those things
upon which the carnal man places
confidence. His nationality, his
ability to keep religious rules, his
social status and tribal pedigree. For
instance, it’s common knowledge
that among the most coveted
security today is financial security
and a feeling of acceptance. We
have a growing number of youths
today who are suffering from low
self esteem due to the massive
media promotion of figure perfect
idols and role models. Is confidence
founded upon earthly possessions
or physical appearance really wise?
John reminds us that the things of
this world will all pass away “...but
whoever does the will of God lives
forever.” 1 John 2:17 (NI V) Earthly
wealth passes away and age will
soon erode physical beauty.
Miss overconfident was soon
brought back to reality, upon the
judges’ show of no confidence.
Reality speaks and the believer
who is still conscious must remain
in touch. We must continually ask
ourselves some sobering questions
• Am I proclaiming a God I do
not know or have never met,
a salvation and rebirth I never
• Do I really know the deep
conviction that produces true
• Do I know the salvation that
produces joy unspeakable and
full of glory?
• Do I have peace that passes
• Do I have a love that cares even
about the welfare of my enemy?
• Do I have a hope that can never
• Is my faith a mere mental game
I play to convince myself of
• Does my faith have any basis in
• Has my faith ever produced
anything tangible?
• Am I a true witness standing in
the court of modern scepticism
and telling of the mighty powers
of God that I have personally
witnessed and experienced?
Tackling the truth
Truth teaches us to believe in Christ
who, being the ‘Pattern Son’, sets
the standard for our living. The lie
encourages us, not to believe in the
devil, as that would be too obvious,
but simply to believe in self. Truth
teaches us to humble ourselves, the
lie tells us to esteem ourselves or to
claw back our ‘self esteem’. Those
in Christ have no true need to strive
to get ahead we know our steps are
ordered, all things work together
for our good and our fate is in His
Yes, one must be confident but our
confidence must be in God’s ability
and not our own. Over vaulting
ambition and self obsession are
very unattractive and unwise. The
words of Cliff Curtis to the over
confident youth, singing his own
praises in an effort to be promoted
to the elite company of soldiers,
were profound. He said, “A captain
does not choose his men based on
how they feel about themselves.” [1]
Miss overconfident realised this
truth through the rejection of her
judges. Is the image you have of
yourself on par with reality? Are
you comfortable in your own skin?
Can you accept the truths about
Let God recommend you, see Job
2, do not recommend yourself.
Let God choose and appoint you,
do not choose or appoint yourself
read, John 15:16. Let God exalt
you, do not exalt yourself, see
Romans 8:30.
“This is what the Lord says: ‘Let not
the wise boast of their wisdom or the
strong boast of their strength or the
rich boast of their riches, but let the
one who boasts boast about this:
that they have the understanding
to know me, that I am the Lord,
who exercises kindness, justice
and righteousness on earth, for in
these I delight,’ declares the Lord.”
Jeremiah 9:23-24 (NIV) p
[1] Movie ‘Last Knights’ released 3 April 2015
and directed by Kazuaki Kiriya
April - June 2018