Shankavi's International business assignment International business | страница 23

Target Under Fire For Its 'OCD' Christmas Sweater

Summary of article:

The tradition of ugly Christmas sweaters during holidays is one of the most popular items that sell in the holiday season. Although when Target`s new design of OCD Christmas sweaters came in, it raised eyebrows on many. There were people that were concerned with these sweaters because the OCD stood for Obsessive Christmas Disorder but in reality, what people are familiar with is the illness called Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Many of the customers felt that the Christmas Sweaters mocked the illness that many people suffer from. It caused tension on social media globally and within society and people were angry with the product. It affected those with the illness because they felt as if they made fun of those who are struggling from it and felt that they were making profits by selling the illness.

By:Madelyn Chung

Published: 11/12/2015.

Source: The Huffington Post Canada
