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Why the Samsung Gear S2 smartwatch is a breath of fresh air: review

Summary of article:

Samsung has created a new product which is the brand new Samsung Gear S2 watch. It is the first ever round watch that comes along with many features that include touch screen, heart rate monitor, rotating watch face to go through apps, fitness tracker, etc. It works well and quick and navigates quick through apps is much easier and more efficient to use. The apps of emails, weather etc all come along with it and the best part of this watch is that it appears to look like a modern but traditional watch. It does have downsides to it as well because there are not as many apps available when compared to Apple watch and some features like voice input is not as clear. The price which is about 399 dollars seems expensive to many consumers, which restricts some from choosing not the buy this new product.

By: Raju Mudhar Tech Reporter

Published on Tue Dec 08 2015

Source: The Star