Sexual Harassment Booklet 2018 | Page 7

TEACHER/STUDENT RELATIONSHIPS Teaching Assistants who become romantically or sexually involved with students in one of their classes may leave themselves open to allegations of sexual harassment. Therefore, it is considered unacceptable conduct for you to enter into a romantic or sexual relationship with any student for whom you have, or should reasonably expect to have in the future, academic responsibility (instructional, evaluative, or supervisory). It is also unacceptable to exercise academic responsibility (i.e. instructional, evaluative, or supervisory) for any student with whom you already have a romantic or sexual relationship. PHYSICAL CONDUCT Many of us will touch someone’s arm when we are talking with them, give a hello or good-bye hug, or put an arm around a shoulder for reassurance or support. There is nothing wrong with such behavior in a situation where the recipient is familiar to such conduct and the parties are equals; however, because of the possible overtones of such behavior, TAs should think carefully about its appropriateness with students. If in doubt, ask the person if your behavior makes them uncomfortable. While such behavior may be friendliness on your part, someone else’s personal style or cultural background may lead them to interpret it differently. VERBAL CONDUCT A Teaching Assistant’s relationship with students is a professional one and as such many personal comments or questions (about looks, personal life, sex life, etc.) are inappropriate. The University does not condone sexist behavior whether or not it constitutes harassment under the Discrimination Policy. Remarks which focus on the sex or sexual orientation of an individual, or group of individuals, can constitute sexual harassment. If you are unsure of the appropriateness of your remarks, or your audience reacts negatively, your comments are probably inappropriate. The wisest action is to dispense with them entirely. If you have questions or concerns, feel free to consult the Office of Institutional Equity and Diversity or a Deputy Title IX Coordinator.  5 