Anthony Bristow
One of my main themes is how a surface can reveal or hide what lies underneath . I have been probing this through work where light reflects off surfaces : faces , cars and water droplets . What is revealed ? What remains hidden ?
With my portraits , I wanted to reveal the character inside a person , not just their superficial features . Antony Williams and Tai-Shan Schierenberg inspired me to consider how close observation and honest mark-making feels like looking deep into a subject ’ s thoughts . I have understood that even backgrounds can give a surrounding light , suggesting the inner psychological state .
I used photography to consider other subjects . I took myself to the racetrack ; what better subject to use for investigating light and reflection than cars ? They combine a multitude of materials ( metal , rubber , glass ) and textures ( glossy , gleaming , dented , rough ), and to me their design communicates personality and speed , like mobile art . I wanted to see if I could capture the drama , power and pleasure that a beautiful car can generate , and photography provided diverse examples .
Progressing to painting allowed me to explore the surface textures of cars , revealing subtle details of their history , like small dents from debris in a race . I used the same close observation in the portrait of my father . Looking intently let me under the skin of my subjects and taught me about the effort required to create a realistic image . I ’ ve enjoyed working at a monumental level ; one minute you can zoom in until the surface dissolves and you ’ re in an almost abstract realm of detail , the next you can step back and the surface reforms ; it ’ s a skin of metal again .