Lulu Stephens
Much of my artwork explores the theme of portraiture with the recurring use of layering different materials .
I explored how I could create different textures in my work by experimenting with a variety of mediums , such as charcoal , glossy paint , watercolour and acrylic paint . Initially , I worked with glossy paint to create a series of large-scale expressive portraits . I found the thickness and darkness of the paint along with the scale on which I worked helped me produce striking pieces .
I then looked to develop this into something more subtle by reducing the strength of my chosen materials and instead switching to a more delicate substance . I used black acrylic paint to produce a new series of portraits , this time on clear acrylic blocks . I became fascinated with working on clear surfaces as it allowed me to experiment with incorporating shadows into my work . I found this added significantly to the depth of my pieces .
Additionally , my work enquires how perspective can affect interpretation . While acrylic blocks became a common material I used , the exploration of shadows and use of layering developed into common themes .