Sesel Sa! January - March 2015 Jan - March 2015 | Page 46

Ladob Friyapen Breadfruit Daube in Coconut Milk A traditional Seychellois Kreol Dessert! Definitely a filling and creamy dessert. This recipe can be done with sweet potato, coco yams, yams and Saint Jacques Bananas. It takes time to make but your taste buds won’t be disappointed. It is definitely worth waiting for! 42 Ingredients 2 medium sized Breadfruits (Ripe, Yellowy on the outside) 5 coconuts Or 2-3 Cans of Coconut Milk 600g Sugar 1 Vanilla Pod Nutmeg to taste Preparing the Ladob Grate the coconuts, add a little water to the grated mixture and squeeze. Keep the milk that is squeezed and put to the side. Peel the breadfruit, remove the heart and cut into quarters. Wash the quarters and cut them in half again. Put the pieces into a saucepan and cook for 30 minutes covering the pieces with the coconut milk. Add the sugar and the vanilla SESEL SA! | JAN - MAR 2015 ISSUE NO. 6 Photo Credit; Dominic Elizabeth pod and mix the ingredients together in the saucepan. Cover and let it cook for 20 minutes over a low heat. After becoming creamy, turn the heat off and season with some nutmeg as desired. Allow to cool or serve whilst still warm. 60 minutes 4-5 Serves