Service Worth A Glance Issue 04 - January/February 2014 | Page 9

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This term as the STUFH Ambassador my main goals are to provide more recognition for clubs, incentives to host projects for hunger initiatives, and easy-to-use resources for the membership. If you have any questions about this international service partner or want to be recognized for your efforts in hunger initiatives, feel free to contact me!

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"INSAN Volunteering was one of the most gratifying service events I've attended mainly because it was the first time I was able to feed the homeless and assist them with basic needs. Saba, the coordinator of INSAN, was absolutely passionate about helping the homeless and made sure to spread that bit of hope to us volunteers. I learned that INSAN means mankind and the belief in humanity is always present as long as there are those willing to make a difference." - Marion Barleta of Cal Poly Pomona Circle K

UCLA Circle K attends a vari­ety of projects where they go to make food for the home­less and serve them. Project Angel Food and Cook Night at Alexan­dria House are among the ones that they will be doing this year. In both events, they get some expe­ri­ence in the kitchen and a chance to help the community.