Service Worth A Glance Issue 01 - September 2013 | Page 11

to create an event that will inspire Circle K International members to do service for the year, to enrich their belief and understanding that we are an International organization that is bonded in that service for life.

We met online every other week to discuss and plan every detail of Large Scale Service Project, in our effort to achieve the vision we set early on:

Our initial goals were that we’d have 100 members there. Fortunately Circle K International is awesome and we ended up having 164 members perform 2,265 hours of service total!

This past LSSP we had two unique experiences. First, we were in Vancouver, Canada, which is such a fun and interesting place full of so much to do and see! But also presented many great challenges when the overwhelming majority of the team, and the attendees, did not have cell phone signal, transportation, and other international challenges. But all of that was overcome by planning, as far ahead of time as possible. Besides, it was much more interesting to live in the moment and in the same place, no distractions.

Second, we were given a special project through the new Kiwanis One Day

partner LandScape Structures, who with Kiwanis International, and Habitat Systems

managed to donate two playgrounds to a local elementary school in need. Along

with renovating a third playground at a smaller public school for children

that required a special education to overcome challenges at home and at

school. Circle K International provided the hands and time needed to

bring these projects to completion, we were able to turn both dirt lots

into full, usable, safe, inclusive, and fun playgrounds in only two days!

The kids were very thankful to have a playground, and also to have a

playground that would allow their classmate in a

wheelchair to participate.

While there were certainly many challenges that

could not be foreseen, our wonderful LSSP Team worked

together to overcome everything, and ultimately I believe

we accomplished our vision. LSSP was so

much fun this past year for everyone

involved, I hope those memories will remind

you about the importance of service and

friendships in your lives. I look forward to

seeing you again in Nashville, at LSSP 2014!