9 - Customer Service Training Guide
Determine the Needs and Wants
To determine the needs and wants of a customer you need to LISTEN to the customer to find out their specific needs. After creating an amazing first impression it’s time to start exploring what the customer needs. The only way we can do this is by ASKING. If you do not ask the right questions, then you will not be able determine the needs and wants of the customer and they’re less likely to shop with us!
There are three types of question you can ask:
The Open Question: These questions usually start with a Who, What, Where, When, Why.
An example could be: What are you looking for today?
The Probing Question: These are normally a direct response to an open question. It gives the opportunity to dig a little deeper and clarify exactly what the customer wants.
An example could be: What style do you usually go for?
The Closed Question: Sometimes this is an important technique to complete a sale and get a decision. These questions require a yes or no answer.
An example could be: Is that everything for you today?
Write your own example:
Write your own example:
Write your own example: