We set up camp, launched the boat around mid afternoon and we were ready to look for some fish. I have watched numerous videos and have spoken to a lot of knowledgeable people in the field of tiger-fishing (especially on fly) in the weeks leading up to the trip. We were looking for Egrets. “Find the birds, find the fish”. Nothing. There were some egrets sitting around the river at the campsite but no fish around. My fly rods were ready and we were only four on the boat on the first day (my brother-in-law and his girlfriend were due to arrive on the second day).
Whilst finding no egrets sitting anywhere close to the reeds we were looking for run-offs. This is where water is draining from the flood plains into the main channel. Basically, anywhere the baitfish could be hiding. We found a small little spot and the channel was quite narrow. I was throwing a number 4 Mepps just to see if there were any fish around. I hooked up on a small Tiger which I lost right at the boat. The fish are around! Out with the flyrod! Gone with the Sun! It was getting dark and we had to head back to camp. Blank!
Day 1
“Find the birds, find the fish”
We did not realise on Day 1 that our campsite was situated directly under a fairly large fever berry tree (It has the best views). Soon the evening we were bombarded by some excrement bombs from probably around 200 fruit bats. Up at 7am we decided to move to the adjacent campsite.
Done by around 10am we had a quick breakfast and we headed out again. This time we were looking for the mouths of small lagoons to see if the tigers might be hanging around there. They were. My wife’s lure got thrown twice in the lagoon. I was trying to see if I can catch a bream or two on the Mepps but quickly got bitten off by small tigers. Time to get the flyrods out again. Great sinking 7wt setup with brush flies ready for action. Nothing. My father-in-law had a couple of strikes on his number 4 Mepps but the hooks were thrown quite easily. We headed back to camp to meet up with the rest of the family. Blank Day Number two!
Day 2