Integrating the Dentists of Tomorrow Within the Dental Community
By Sara Morris , Member Engagement Coordinator
The Pennsylvania Dental Association ( PDA ) Connections Mentoring Program is designed to match dentists who are in different stages of their career , specifically pairing together new dentists and recent graduates with established dentists . As a result of the pandemic , many recent graduates and new dentists are finding it stressful and difficult to navigate the transition to life after dental school . Offering valuable professional direction and guidance to newer dentists provides a structure for gathering opinions , obtaining answers to questions and strengthening professional bonds . The goal of PDA ’ s Connections program is to provide value to members and integrate the dentists of tomorrow within the dental community .
Mentorship is sometimes misunderstood . It ’ s about more than creating new friendships , more than building up your network , and more than having a good working relationship . That ’ s because more than anything , mentorship is about being vulnerable and creating meaningful intentions .
Marks of Successful Mentoring
Successful mentoring relies on having reciprocal trust and respect . This is possible when mentees and mentors have clear expectations and a supportive environment . An important aspect in any mentoring relationship is the attitude that is brought into the relationship . This means that those involved need to remain open to hearing hard truths , being willing to try new things and cultivating a posture of lifelong learning .
While maintaining a strong commitment is essential for both parties , having an open and ongoing communication strategy is required for success . In any mentoring relationship both the mentor and the mentee have equally important roles to play . The objective of participating in PDA Connections needs to be discussed at the beginning of the relationship to guide the journey and achieve a positive outcome .
The Benefits of Mentoring
PDAs mentoring program offers flexibility and is individually tailored to every mentee ’ s needs and expectations for the relationship . Whether you want to only meet virtually , shadow the mentor for a day at their practice , or connect with an established dentist to help answer questions ( whether that be clinically or personally ) then participating in this program is the right fit for you . If you would like to go to lunch or attend a local / district society meeting together , then the mentoring program offers a reimbursement incentive to help cover expenses . There are no limits or expectations for this program and the extent to which you would like to participate is up to your discretion .
The benefits you receive from participating in a mentor relationship include creating a sense of belonging , increasing confidence , greater job satisfaction , achieving goal clarity and improving productivity . Dentists that end up serving as a mentor will be able to have a hand in developing the next generation of dentists in the capacity of leadership , communication , and coaching while also being given the opportunity to learn from their mentee as well .
Mentoring offers a rewarding experience not only for the mentor and mentee , but also for an organization and profession , by creating a positive climate and culture . Dental professionals in all career phases should consider becoming involved in mentoring . Whether as a mentor or mentee , sharing knowledge , practices , cultures and perspectives will provide a meaningful experience .