September/October 2022 | Page 17

When I reflect on my membership experience , the word opportunity comes to mind again and again . Being a member of organized dentistry has afforded me numerous opportunities to help my professional development and career , the community , and our dental profession .
One of the first things I did after completing my orthodontics residency and moving back to Southwestern PA was to become involved with organized dentistry through the Dental Society of Western Pennsylvania ( DSWP ). While in dental school at the University of Pittsburgh , I was the ASDA president , and I quickly learned the importance of the collective voice in the dental profession . ASDA worked closely with the local dental society through continuing education ( CE ), dental conferences and political advocacy . We students enjoyed quality CE and built relationships with dental vendors through the DSWP ’ s 3Rivers Dental Conference and school lunch and learns . We represented the dental community at Lobby Day , advocating for improvements in student loan repayment and better access to care for patients . Although we students had not yet earned our doctorates , I always felt respected by the local dentists , and I admired their value of ADA membership . Even in dental school , I witnessed numerous dentists who valued their commitment to their profession , their patients , their friends and family , and the greater good .
Since becoming involved with the DSWP , I have volunteered and served in various capacities . I have served as editor of our publication ( The Bulletin ), vice president , president-elect and president . I have served on various committees and the 3Rivers Dental Conference CE committee , even serving as general chair .
As I am now in mid-career , I realize how fortunate I am to have fellow member dentists in my circle of friends and mentors . The relationships I have developed are precious to me . I feel blessed to have the opportunity to learn from dentists who have made mistakes , learned , evolved , and are now excited to pass along skills for juggling professional life and personal life . My mentors have guided me numerous times with both small business and other professional decisions .
Being a member has provided me many opportunities to give back to the community . Recently I volunteered at the Children ’ s Museum in Pittsburgh for Children ’ s Dental Health Month , where we taught youngsters the importance of a healthy diet and proper oral hygiene . Another popular way to give back as a dentist is through Mission of Mercy events . I worked in triage for a few years at Pennsylvania ’ s mission and then chaired registration during Pittsburgh ’ s inaugural event . Each mission was quite humbling and a huge success . It was amazing how many people appreciated not only the dental work , but just having someone who cared about them . I received hugs , handshakes , and many thank yous . But the big thank you came from me , to the patients . They taught me that giving of my time was a privilege and that the feeling of being appreciated can happen in the smallest of moments .
The COVID-19 pandemic provided another opportunity to take advantage of membership . We all had questions galore … How long will the pandemic last ? Are we permitted to see patients ? What PPE is required ? Is staff permitted to work ? The ADA , PDA , and our districts had the answers for us . Our PDA leadership during the outbreak was exceptional . Many nonmembers received their information from those of us who were members and had accurate answers . The information I received – because I was a member – gave me the confidence to lead my dental team and patients through this difficult pandemic . Thankfully , due to my cautious and responsible staff and patients , my practice never experienced an outbreak or any serious illness . Everyone had confidence that I was practicing with a safety-first approach , and many parents thanked me for providing a comfortable and safe environment to see them and their children .
During the height of the pandemic , our leaders at the local and state levels battled for us to maintain a quality level of care for our patients . Rather than resorting to emergency room care and over the phone prescriptions , we were permitted to see patients in our own offices . Our PDA leaders educated government officials on the importance of putting patient care decisions and safety protocols back into the hands of dentists , those of us who are the most skilled to make the best decisions possible for our patients .
The value of membership is great . Being a member has given me the opportunity to make lifelong friends and give back to our community , but most importantly , the security of knowing that I have access at my fingertips to accurate information that impacts my professional and personal life on a daily basis .