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Bald Eagle FFA Members Thrive in Local and State Competitions Summer 2023
The Bald Eagle Agriculture program would like to spotlight the prestigious accomplishments of several of their students . The goal of the agriculture program is to prepare students with the skill set needed for an agriculture-related career . In the 2022-23 school year , the Bald Eagle FFA , a student agriculture organization , had over 140 members . Jack Tobias , high / middle school principal shares , “ As a parent of a former FFA student that had livestock projects and a High School Principal , I ' ve gotten the opportunity to experience and witness firsthand the value that agriculture projects provide students . A few life skills that participants learn are responsibility , self-discipline , time management , communication , teamwork , setting and achieving goals , meeting deadlines , and the value of hard work to achieve a final product that creates confidence and pride . Agriculture projects are not stand-alone projects , they are an integration of education , agriculture , and skills that prepare students for lifelong success beyond the classroom .”
The Pennsylvania State FFA convention is held at University Park each June . Six Bald Eagle FFA members brought home their share of award “ hardware :" • Owen Dechow , ninth-grade student , first place junior prepared speaker . • Gracie Collins , Faith Crestani , Isaac Dechow , and Alabama Jukes earned second in the floriculture competition and will be competing in the National Competition in West Springfield Massachusetts this fall . • Michael Lewis , state proficiency winner for Speciality Animal Production . He earned a silver at the National competition . • Isaac Dechow was the state proficiency winner for Goat production . He earned a bronze medal at National competition .
As Bald Eagle students prepare for their fall education endeavors , several competed at the 2023 Centre County Grange fair , earning prestigious honors in stiff Centre County competition . Here are some of the chapter highlights : • Grady Boone earned a first with his fancy junior rabbit doe and a first with his animal agriculture agriscience poster • Hannah Briner earned first place with her FFA miniature landscape • Isaac Dechow earned a first with his agriscience fair poster • Faith Crestani earned a first with her FFA live-fower arrangement • Kailey Eckert was champion swine and reserve champion dairy beef showman • Kayla Fitzgerald won the reserve champion rate of gain with her goat • Conner Maney earned a first with his plant science agriscience fair poster • Michael Lewis earned a first with his silk flower arrangement • Adra Spotts earned a first with her agriculture community service learning project poster
• Samantha Trigg won multiple first-place ribbons with her dairy goats and reserve junior champion Alpine dairy goat .
Curt Whitesel , Bald Eagle Area School district superintendent , shares , “ Agriculture is such a vital business in our school district and community . Our students continuing to shine brightly in the area of agriculture will help the Bald Eagle Area School District prosper for years to come .”
- Todd Biddle , FFA Advisor , Bald Eagle Area teacher
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