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KCSD Students Ace SkillsUSA Competition
Keystone Central sent four SkillsUSA contestants to Atlanta , Georgia to compete in the SkillsUSA National competition in June .
The awards ceremony was held tonight and Keystone Central is proud to announce Sofia Dressler has taken the National GOLD Medal in the Related Technical Math contest . Sofia is a 2024 graduate that was enrolled in the Drafting and Design program at Keystone Central CTC and was employed at First Quality during the school year as part of the Cooperative Education work experience program . She was also the salutatorian for the Class of 2024 .
Emily Everett , Samantha Streator , and Ellen Banfill also competed in the group contest of Community Service . These young ladies are enrolled in the Health Occupations program at Keystone Central CTC and will be seniors for the 2024-25 school year . Their community service project was based on " Stop the Bleed ."
Congratulations to all of the contestants for their hard work and dedication .... We ' re very proud of all of you !
Central Mountain Marching Band in the Grand Slam Parade
The Central Mountain Marching Band spent the afternoon marching down Fourth Street for Williamsport ’ s Little League Grand Slam Parade in August . The band played “ Twist and Shout ” for an enthusiastic audience , enjoying the musical interaction with people from our local communities and beyond . The parade is a favorite for both students and directors . In the heat of summer , it ’ s a relatively short and shady parade , with thousands of spectators lining the sidewalks for the length of the parade . It ’ s also exciting because it is televised , and the students always like seeing themselves on TV .
The band has been busy this summer , with band camp in July and multiple fundraisers . The band ' s raising money for uniforms to replace the ones they currently use that have outlived their best-by date . At band camp , the students learned their field show , which is the show they perform on the field in band competitions and halftime shows . This year , the show is called “ The Hills Are Alive ” and it features songs from “ The Sound of Music .” The students love the theme , and worked hard to finish learning the drill before lunch on the Thursday of camp . That has become the unofficial indicator of a successful band camp , and they have achieved their goal two years in a row . Be sure to watch for the band at pre-game or halftime at CM ’ s football games !
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