September 2021 Newsletter | Page 16

Our Mission

Our mission is to empower our team to provide a “ Fun & Enjoyable ” experience for every person that steps onto our property . We will always display a positive attitude and provide superior service so our guests may enjoy a safe , casual , genuine , and comfortable experience . We will assemble a forward thinking team and use our creativity to continually encourage change and always be an industry leader .


Our Staff

Ryan Roberts General Manager rroberts @ eaglebrooke . com
Wesley Parker Superintendent wparker @ eaglebrooke . com
Sam Lodovico Executive Chef slodovico @ eaglebrooke . com
Brandy Booth Food and Beverage Manager bbooth @ eaglebrooke . com
Cassidy McCorkle Administrative Services cmccorkle @ eaglebrooke . com
Ivy Myers Director of Sales imyers @ eaglebrooke . com
Ricky Weber Head Golf Professional rweber @ eaglebrooke . com
16 eaglebrooke newsletter SEPTEMBER