September 2021 Newsletter | Page 15

Dear Eaglebrooke Residents ,
Reminder , the next Homeowners Association Board of Directors Meeting will take place September 14,2021 at 6:30pm at the Clubhouse . At this meeting we will be reviewing the budget and planning the Annual Meeting for 2022 .
Please remember when you are walking your pets , even on the boulevard , please pick up after them . We are seeing more and more instances where homeowners are not picking up after their furry friends .
We are seeking volunteers for the Nomination Committee as well as the Architectural Committee . If you are interested in volunteering please call ( 863 ) 808-0035 or email Manager @ Eaglebrooke . net .
Parking in the street overnight is not allowed . If you do this , you may be towed at your expense .
For residents needing new or replacement barcodes : Please go online to Eaglebrooke . net , at the bottom of the webpage , click request an access barcode .
We are looking for ways to communicate better to all the members via the portal . If you have not received an invitation to the portal , please go online to https :// enprovera . appfolio . com / connect / users / request _ access to request access to the portal .
Please remember if you are a club lot and have lawn issues , please do not speak with the workers . It is best to contact the Manager at Manager @ Eaglebrooke . net or call ( 863 ) -808-0035 .
Thank you ,

The Eaglebrooke Board of Directors

SEPTEMBER eaglebrooke newsletter 15