The Golf Cart
This Is A Story taken from The Golf Cart Chronicles - A Compilation Of Funny Golf Cart/Golfing Related Short Stories
Can’t Park Your Golf Cart
In The Garage?
Don’t Hit The Roof-Lift The Roof!
(This subject is a made-up story intended to entertain and amuse you)
hoard my money and become
a mortgagor and a half decent
i there golf cart
golfer. I love the place. It was
owners. My name great parking my sports car un-
is Johnnie Headway.
der a two vehicle/box car style
Let me tell you a little
garage roof, for all the right
bit about myself. I am reasons.
a single 40 something
guy who finally bought Golfing turned out to be the
my own living quarters right choice because my aver-
in a golf cart commu-
age score was is the high 80’s
the first year and very high 70’s
the following year. How terrific
Living rent free in the
is that?
basement of my par-
ent’s retirement home Then the following year I
for three years afford- bought a spiffy golf cart with
ed me the ability to
a custom built permanently
extended roof to accommodate
my six foot 4 inch tall body.
Guess what? My precious golf
cart Buster would not fit be-
cause the overhead clearance
was less than needed to be
made use of. Not all was lost,
I’m thinking, this is fixable.
I bought a spiffy golf cart
with custom built roof
So within a few days of intense
planning a brilliant idea turned
up. My dad taught me how to