National Courses
The National Courses Handbook is currently being revised. There will be a Cadet version made available for
all cadets, online, to provide instruction on: what is involved in the process, the interview procedures and
what happens when the selected versus pending/standby list are announced. Another version of the hand-
book will be available for SSCs and squadron staff to refer to.
Anne Kozich
The 2017-2018 ACC9 will be emailed to SSC Chairpersons and Treasurers. Please continue to use the ACC9
excel document for the current fiscal year. Correct and regular updating will keep Treasurers on track and
within the approved budget. If you are unsure of past years status, please contact Nicky Grantham. The
Quickbooks Online project is not yet being implemented as Canada revenue Agency guidance on our charity
structure has yet to be determined.
Nicky Grantham
Positive Youth Development Program Outreach
All members and volunteers are encouraged to complete the Positive Youth Development learning pack-
age. This is available through the National website and delivered through an e-Learning portal. Our mili-
tary partners and civilian instructors have been instructed to complete this program and we highly rec-
ommend SSCs, Civilian Volunteers, and League members to seize the opportunity to increase your aware-
ness of positive youth development.