SEPT2024-WSCASpotlight_FNL | Page 6

6 - September - 2024 www . wsca . org WSCA Digital Spotlight

WSCA Board Meeting Minutes

Computer : Jake Flodquist
Absent . James reporting updates from Jake . RDS Instance is becoming obsolete . Jake ’ s recommendation is that we switch to MySQL8 . The switch will cost between $ 300 and $ 600 , but after that initial cost will go down to $ 12 per month and be upgraded .
Motion made by Lori Taylor , seconded by Karson Duncanson , to follow Jake ’ s recommendation of upgrading to MySQL8 . Motion carried unanimously .
Drills and Squares : Marlys Mooney Marlys is working with Sam from the State Fair regarding some issues filing parking requests .
Futurity : Josh Tjosaas Absent . Nothing to report .
Historian : Tim Wampfler Absent . Nothing to report .
Judges : Lynn-Ellen St . Martin
Absent . Report submitted via email . As of the end of June , one of our judge applicants has all of their guest judging shows scheduled to be done by Champ Show . The second started late and has a number yet to arrange . Sara , Rachel and Lynn reviewed the announcement of the 2024 applicants for the Spotlight . Our Apprentice Judge has also started guest judging for the season . Lynn is glad to say that so far , the experience has been very positive . Malinda Dexter believes that she will retire from judging at the end of the season .
Marketing & Promotions : Rachel Duenow
Rachel submitted an entry for a contest from Molly ’ s Custom Silver , with a chance to win 50 free buckles . The winner is chosen based on likes , comments and shares that WSCA ’ s post gets . Contest ends August 3 rd . Please go and like / share the post . We have $ 13,000 in sponsorships so far , and we will be working hard in the next month to up that number . There are currently 10 vendors signed up . People are also requesting outside spots , which frees up the coliseum for more vendors . Once we learn more about what the process for champ show entry will look like , it will be shared .
Nominating : Ann Goebel There are currently 3 interested Board candidates , and Ann is looking for more .
Procedures : Sandy Strube Nothing to report .
Publicity : Lori Taylor
The 2023-2024 court members shared that their fundraiser show was a good turnout , despite the weather . Looking at upcoming events they will be attending Special Olympics , a couple more parades and look forward to the upcoming royalty banquet , August 16 th .
Royalty : Bridget Behrns
Absent . Report read by Liz . Things are on track for the 2024 royalty contest . The Royalty application deadline was July 1 st and we have received 15 applications all postmarked by the 1 st . Bridget has the welcome packets put together for the contestants and plans to mail them out tomorrow , July 11 th . The Royalty Banquet is Friday , August 16 th at River City Extreme in Monticello . The Banquet RSVP form is ready and will be pushed on Facebook . It can also be found in the “ Forms ” section of the website . Anyone that has a saddle club queen entered in the contest of