Sepia Prime Woman Digital Magazine December 2013 | Page 15

Expiration Dates By: Pastor George Robinson You may have heard the saying “Nothing is certain but death and taxes.” May I suggest a third certainty? There isn’t a single person on the earth that can escape something called time. The moment we are born, the clock of our lives begins ticking. This is why it is absolutely imperative that everyone makes good use of the time they’ve been given no matter what they are involved in. The bible tells us “To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under the sun.” One thing is for sure about every season and that is that they all have expiration dates. Winter will expire on March 19th. Spring expired on June 20th. Summer expired on September 21st. Fall will expire on December 20th. Why is it important to know the expiration dates of the seasons? If you live in Chicago and want to go to the beach you better know the expiration date of summer or you’ll miss it. If you want to go skiing, you better know the expiration date of winter or you’ll miss it. You can’t get what you want out of the beach in December, what you would otherwise get in July. You would know that something isn’t right. You might be reading this article and at this moment feel that something isn’t right. May I suggest your season has expired? Many times we know a season has expired and yet we’ll stay in a place longer than we are supposed to. We may have become complacent, comfortable, or lazy. We may be victims of fear, lack of faith, or familiarity. Have you ever smelled milk after it’s expired? A good indication that milk has expired is not only by the expiration date on the carton, but the milk itself also stinks. What stinks in your life right now? Are you easily frustrated? Has your patience run thin? These are good indicators that an expiration date has been missed. When a person is aware of their expiration date and moves accordingly, it also provides opportunity for others to grow and do things they might not otherwise be able to do. Jesus not only knew His expiration date, but He ran to it. He said to the disciples “…… is to your advantage that I go away….…” His awareness and obedience of His expiration date made room for the disciples to turn the world upside down. His departure pushed them further along towards their destiny. Our expiration dates are not solely about us, there are others who will blossom as result of us moving at the appropriate time. Has a relationship expired? Has your time in a particular ministry expired? Has your time at a particular place of employment expired? Dare I say, to see an expiration date and ignore it would be selfish. It has the potential to not only hurt us, but those who are around us. It’s not enough just to know the times and seasons that we’re in, but to move accordingly for the sake of our own lives and the lives of others. No one deserves to encounter a person who’s “sour” simply because they’ve stayed past their expiration date. If you see an expiration date coming, make plans accordingly so that you don’t miss that date. If you know you’ve missed an expiration date, you can make plans now to get to your rightful place. We do our best trying to keep up with birth dates, anniversary dates, and holiday dates. But there is another date on the calendar we can’t afford to miss, and that is an expiration date. Pastor George Robinson is a man who loves the Lord. He is the Senior Pastor of Living Water Kingdom Ministries where the mission and vision is reconciling the world to God through Jesus Christ one soul at a time while equipping and empowering believers to walk in their God given purpose. He has a passion for teaching and preaching God’s Word and seeing every believer walk in the victory that’s available to them through Jesus Christ our Lord. His desire is to serve Christ while serving the community while quench ing your thirst with the Word of God. pg15