special discounts, bonuses, invite them to buy and tell them why,
etc. You should buy the product you are promoting in order to
know everything about it, but please do not give away the content
in your site or elsewhere.
In the resume you need to concentrate on creating high quality content for the
reader instead of trying to rank on the search engine or to sell some affiliate
Forget about ranking in the top of the search engines, forget about making
affiliate sales, you need to really concentrate on that audience, answering their
questions, giving them a real solution, giving them value. That’s what people
want, that’s what Google wants and that’s what you should want.
There are other things we will do in order to make money with our site, but
don’t use the content to sell, use it to satisfy peoples’ need. They will come back
often because you offer quality, you offer a solution, you have what they need,
they will trust you, they will trust your site and finally they will trust your
recommendations as well.
What I like to do myself is to find great writers by going to odesk.com. This is an
absolutely great platform to find high talented people in anything you need to
build a highly successful business over the Internet.
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