whole pie. Just give a considerable part of the pie and they will get
the rest with what you will be promoting in other approaches.
? Obviously the article should
be original. You need to
make sure it is something
that is not created by bots,
coping and pasting online
content and then hoping for
the best. Of course you would need to do research, but then you
need to write it in your own words and touch.
? Another awesome idea is to include images (check
http://photodune.net for High Quality Images for $1) and a video
right in the middle of the content, which will give a lot more value
and will make the visitor stay longer.
? Place Links to other places of your website that might be relevant
to the topic of the article, which will also help the visitor to stay
? Finally, after you have given great value, in the last part of the
content you can invite them to take this further and get access to
something a lot more helpful. That will be your affiliate product and
it better be even better than your content. You can include talking
a little bit about the product, case studies, reviews, what people
are saying, benefits, etc.
? If you are writing about a product directly, you need to give as
much information about it as possible. Things like how old it is, who
is the author, case studies, testimonials, reviews, negative and
positive things, how to get access to it, deliverance method, price,
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