Senwes Scenario Oktober/November 2018 | Page 5

GENERAL | ALGEMEEN DID YOU KNOW? Pieter & Tshepo A characteristic of most South African soils is that they are extremely vulnerable to degradation and have low recovery potential. A characteristic of most South African soils is that they are extremely vulnerable to degradation and have low recovery potential. Thus even small mistakes in land management can be devastating, with little chance of recovery. It is estimated that 25% of South Africa’s soils are highly susceptible to wind erosion. These include the sandy soils of the Northwest and the Free State - the areas that produce 75% of the country’s maize. MASANOBU FUKUOKA Author of the best-selling book: The One-Straw Revolution About happiness and farming. ‶ When it is understood that one loses joy and happiness in the attempt to possess them, the essence of natural farming will be realised. The ultimate goal of farming is not the growing of crops, but the cultivation and perfection of human ″ r o o l Ora oor... geh CEO Joburg Market At AFASA conference. ‶ The soil does not discriminate. If ″ then is somewhere in the middle. BRIAN ANGUS DAVID MABUZA Vise-President van Suid-Afrika Tydens die grondberaad in Bela-Bela. ‶ Die land behoort aan ons almal, swart en wit. Die implementering van grondhervorming moenie rasse van mekaar vervreem nie, dit moenie 'n bedreiging inhou vir die landbousek- tor, voedselsekuri­teit en die ekono- ″ AYANDA KANANA you plant well, something will grow. The produce, no matter what it is, does not discriminate. The problem beings. mie nie. Source: facts_brochure_mockup_04_b Pionier wat die Japanese Wagyu-ras na SA gebring het. Tydens die 2018 Senwes Toekomsfokusdag by Nampopark. ‶ Ignoreer die aspekte waaroor jy CYRIL RAMAPHOSA President van Suid-Afrika Tydens die AFASA gala-dinee. ‶ Landbou verdien ondersteuning nie beheer het nie - jongboere moet nie skroom om te plant en steeds positief te wees oor grond en grondkwessies nie – voedsel moet van die regering. Die regering het dit nodig geag om in te gryp by 'n aantal sektore, maar die land- bousektor is steeds op die agter- voet en ek wil hê dat ons standpunt geproduseer word. moet inneem. ″ ″ ‶ Farming is challenging and it requires patience and dedication. You must understand that the yield can be very small. That is why everyone who wants to get involved in production must have a passion for it. ″ – SIPHIWE SITHOLE Founder and CEO of African Marmalade – SENWES SCENARIO | SOMER • SUMMER 2018 03