Senwes Interim Results 2022/2023 | Page 10

Forecast Market sentiment remains positive , with summer-crop farmers receiving good early rains . Current expectations are that this should be a good rainfall season .
It is anticipated that the credit uptake for the 2022 / 23 production season will be lower than the previous season due to the improved cash flow position of most clients and the fact that some inputs will be purchased , using surplus cash .
Grain commodity exports are expected to increase , which will likely result in low grain carry-over inventory levels for the next season .
Germany is currently experiencing unstable economic conditions as a result of record high inflation rates and a decreasing business confidence . These indicators paint a bleak picture of Germany ’ s economy , further supported by the fact that more and more economists predict an upcoming recession for Germany and Europe as a whole .
The implementation of the capital allocation strategy , cost savings and driving of efficiencies will continue and will remain our main focus .
Senwes expects to deliver another robust set of financial results reflecting the underlying strengths of the business model and the ongoing execution of its strategic targets .
10 Reimagine Agriculture