Senwes Integrated Reports Senwes 2017/2018 Integrated Report(a) | Page 16

14 THE BUSINESS VALUE CREATING BUSINESS MODEL PRE-SEASON PLANNING (PART 1) SENWES AGRICULTURAL SERVICES Agronomic services as well as technical and agri-economic advice. PRODUCER ACTIVITIES Evaluation and recom- mendations regarding farming practices: Soil surveying, crop produc- tion planning and tillage planning.  Negotiate credit.  Finance land and equipment.  Insure inputs and harvest. SENWES CREDIT Offers a variety of finance solutions (e.g. seasonal credit, monthly accounts and tailor- made products to meet the needs of our clients). SENWES ASSET FINANCE Finance solutions for agri- machinery, implements and bonds over fixed property. CERTISURE AND UNIVISION Credit life insurance, asset insurance, wealth, retirement and succession planning. MOLEMI SELE Value addition to credit life insurance (underwriting and reinsurance). OVERVIEW | THE BUSINESS | STRATEGIC AND OPERATING CONTEXT | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE | FINANCIAL REVIEW PRE-SEASON PLANNING (PART 2) SENWES EQUIPMENT AND JD IMPLEMENTE Supplies new and used whole goods and implements, as well as precision farming equipment, maintenance solutions and spares for existing equipment. HINTERLAND GROUP Bulk orders and purchases from wholesalers and input suppliers of fertiliser, fuel, seeds and pesticides. GRASLAND ONDERNEMINGS Negotiates agricultural lime prices and volumes with off-takers of lime, independent of a third party. CERTISURE AND UNIVISION Asset insurance for clients. PRODUCER ACTIVITIES Evaluation and recommen- dations regarding farming practices continued: Soil surveying, crop produc- tion planning and tillage planning.  Negotiates inputs.  Acquires capital goods.  Receives and upgrades agricultural equipment.  Insures assets.  Repairs and replace- ment of whole goods.