Sennockian 2022-2023 | Page 28

Name Course Destination Somto Chukwuma English and Theatre Studies University of Warwick Marcus Cook Veterinary Science University of Bristol George Crusher Geography University of Nottingham Poppy Cunningham Classics and the Ancient World King ’ s College London Hendrik Dahlmeier Economics FHS St . Gallen University of Applied Sciences Margaux Dambacher Liberal Arts University of Southern California Cameron Davies
Natural Sciences with professional placement or study abroad
University of Bath Sebastian Davies Philosophy , Politics and Economics University of York Sam Davison Economics University of Nottingham Matt Dawkins Accounting and Finance with Industrial Experience University of Exeter Tom Day Accounting and Business University of Edinburgh Xavier Drewell Biological Sciences Durham University Ethan Dueck Aerospace Engineering University of Bristol Louis Dunn Acting Foundation Mountview Academy of Theatre Arts Aidan Durant Chemistry Queen ’ s College , Oxford Tami Edun Civil Engineering University of Waterloo Alexandre Ellis Geography Christ Church , Oxford Jessica Fan Liberal Arts University of California , Davis Amelia Faure Walker English and Philosophy with study abroad University of Exeter Emilia Fetzer Chemistry with Molecular Physics Imperial College London Charles FitzGerald Philosophy Durham University Alex Fleming Physics Durham University Jessica Fleming Economics and History University of Leeds Matthew Fryer
Integrated Mechanical and Electrical Engineering with professional placement
University of Bath Oscar Fussell Accounting and Finance with work placement University of Bath Betrys Galloni Chemistry Lincoln College , Oxford Luca Gerza Materials Science and Engineering Imperial College London Sophia Gillett Architecture University of Sheffield Abishaik Gnanenthiran Medicine University of Sheffield Belle Goldsmith Chemical Engineering with Environmental Engineering University of Nottingham Max Graeff Buhl-Nielsen Computing Imperial College London James Grech Economics Durham University Telia Green International Business and Modern Languages University of Exeter Max Griffiths Economics and Finance with Industrial Experience University of Exeter