Sennockian 2022-2023 | Page 27

Name Course Destination Tito Adetunji Medicine University College London Eleanor Allen Psychology University of St Andrews Noa Anderson Human Sciences Keble College , Oxford
Ben Appleby International Management and Modern Languages ( French ) with Study or Work Abroad
University of Bath Seye Arinoso Mechanical Engineering University of Leeds Baris Atikol Chemical Engineering with Professional Placement University of Bath Martin Atilla Applied Mathematics and Computer Sciences Brown University Katherine Avanesov Theoretical Physics California Institute of Technology Tolu Bada Computer Science with a placement year Loughborough University Charlie Bailey History Keble College , Oxford Georgia Baker Biological Sciences with Professional Placement University of Birmingham
Aryan Baliyan
London School of Economics and
Political Science
Ila Banerji History Wadham College , Oxford Mahedy Basher Medicine Imperial College London Gabriel Beadle Business and Management with Placement Year Durham University Daniyal Beg History and Politics University of Warwick Ryan Bennett Aerospace Engineering with professional placement University of Bath Anastasia Besanidou Philosophy , Politics and Economics Wadham College , Oxford Sara Bessel Neuroscience Queen Mary University of London Isla Bhatnagar Medicine and Surgery Newcastle University Joshua Birch-Jones Business University of Exeter PJ Birt Classics and the Ancient World King ’ s College London Tabitha Bolter English Literature University of Edinburgh Cameron Brayne Liberal Arts Dartmouth College Charlie Brindley History Durham University Anthony Bristow Automotive and Transport Design Coventry University Thomas Bristow Biology with professional placement University of Bath Millie Britain Politics , Philosophy and Law King ’ s College London William Broomhead Chemistry University of St Andrews
Raphael Burghgraeve
London School of Economics and
Political Science
Oliver Campbell Automotive Engineering with Foundation Year Loughborough University
Erika Chan
History and Politics
London School of Economics and
Political Science
Alex Chaya
London School of Economics and
Political Science
Annabel Cheveley Liberal Arts Cornell University