Sennockian 2019-2020 | Page 77

In order to qualify for their Bronze award , three steps need to be taken : we must have an eco committee , we must complete the ten environmental reviews and we must create action plans for each of those reviews . Ultimately , the Bronze – and later Silver – awards work towards receiving a Green Flag award , which celebrates the sustained and consistent monitoring and creating of projects to strive for a greener school environment .
So far , our Eco Committee has completed the required environmental reviews ( eg waste , energy , global citizenship ), and has begun to create action plans for our projects . These action plans set out reasonable and feasible goals for the school to achieve , as well as establishing a clear framework for the aspects we want to focus on . Looking ahead , we aim to develop a few projects even further , such as a school trip carbon offsetting scheme , monitoring and improving the school ’ s biodiversity and reducing the waste produced within the school .
Although we , as a student-led Eco Committee , can undoubtedly bring about change in school , a significant factor which helps us push and accomplish our goals even further is the school ’ s Staff Sustainability Committee . It allows us to ensure student ideas are supported and followed within the school ’ s new environmental policies , as well as greatly benefiting any projects the students are working on . The staff support also provides us with any necessary resources that may be harder to access without their help .
Although Sevenoaks School ’ s Eco Committee was only founded this year , I am confident that , with student and staff contributions , it is the key to making our school an eco-friendlier and more sustainable place . It is our responsibility , both as individuals and as a community , to ensure that we do everything in our power to conserve and sustain the Earth ’ s finite and coveted resources as best we can .
Alexandria Pu , Year 11