Our partnership contingent, Knole Academy, flew the nest at the
end of the Michaelmas term and have now set up in their own
right after three years under our tutelage. It has been a rewarding
experience for both schools and we wish them well.
The year has been filled with the usual mix of syllabus training and
testing, adventurous training, leadership development and Field
Days, and we were pleased to welcome back Old Sennockian Lt
Cdr James Tuhey RN (OS 2000) to conduct our Biennial Inspection.
Intense rivalry surrounds our intersection competitions; the Big Quiz
was won by the RAF, the RN took It’s A Knockout, and the Founder’s
Day Gun Run saw the RAF victorious, with all teams beating the
previous record.
Lt Col Paul Bassett
Royal Navy
The Royal Navy section enjoyed a wide variety of activities,
including kayaking and climbing, alongside regular Thursday
afternoon sailing sessions at Bough Beech. Cadets have also
experienced field days to Portsmouth, navigating yachts and Swan
motor boats to the Isle of Wight, alongside some exciting water
sports at Hillingdon Outdoor Adventure Centre. This year’s senior
leadership team, WO Alex Huisman and CPO Gaby FitzGerald, have
provided inspiration and enthusiasm and we wish them well at
university. Sadly, we lose S/Lt David Roche from the officer body but
thank him for his considerable input over the last two years.
It has been a busy and successful year for the Army, with two
field days, three intersection competitions, the Military Skills
competition (SE), Biennial Inspection and Annual Camp. We have
had 34 cadets qualify for APC Basic Award, and 11 senior cadets
qualify for APC Advanced Award. The military skills competition this
year was also one of our most successful to date: we were placed
fifth out of 17, beating schools such as Tonbridge and Charterhouse.
On Biennial Inspection, the IO was extremely impressed with our
field craft, teamwork and drill parade. In Training Section this year,
cadets in the Lower and Upper Sixth led and trained the new
Year 10s, imparting not only their practical expertise, but
their strong and proactive attitude, which has given many the
opportunity to flourish. Camp this year was thoroughly enjoyable
and included activities such as kayaking, paintballing, obstacle
course and mine sweeping as well as tactical fieldcraft and an
overnight exercise in which we competed against Knole Academy.
Competition Day allowed us to test skills against other schools.
Best cadet was jointly awarded to S/Sgts Michael Presland and
Freddie Joarder-White, with Cdt Keira Bassett getting best Year 10.
We say farewell and thanks to SI Andy Thomas, who brought
considerable experience and enthusiasm to our training.
WO Tom Langford
S/Sgts Michael Presland and Freddie Joarder-White