Senior Moments - The Campbellford Seniors Club Newsletter Issue 25 | Page 12
Information & News
Many people give gifts to
loved ones on Valentine’s Day.
Common gifts are:
Valentine’s Day is an opportunity
for people in Canada to tell
somebody that they love them in a
romantic way. It falls on February
14, the name day of two saints, St
Valentine of Rome and St Valentine
of Terni. In pre-Christian times, the
middle of February was a time of
pagan fertility festivals in Europe
and allegedly the time when birds
chose a mate.
Romantic dinners are a popular way
to celebrate Valentine’s Day.
What Do People Do?
Many people send letters, cards,
presents and gifts to the person with
whom they have or want to have a
romantic relationship. Valentine’s
Day cards are often red or pink and
decorated with images of hearts,
red roses, teddy bears, presents or
happy couples kissing or embracing.
They may be in brightly colored,
perhaps pink or red,
• Flowers, particularly red roses.
• Chocolates and/or candy.
• Teddy bears.
• Toy hearts.
• Sparkling wine.
• Cosmetics.
• Clothing, including lingerie.
• Jewelry
Some people celebrate Valentine’s
Day lavishly. They may treat their
partner to a themed meal in a
restaurant or a night in a luxury
hotel. Others may take short breaks
or vacations on Valentine’s Day.
Valentine’s Day can also be an
occasion for a more general
celebration of love and appreciation
of people who are personally
important to an individual. School
children may help decorate their
classrooms with hearts and spring
birds and make cards or presents
for their parents. Stores may also
sell Valentine’s Day themed cakes,
cookies or candy. Teenagers and
young adults may hold Valentine’s
Day parties or dances on or near
February 14.
Public Life
Valentine’s Day is not a public
organizations, post offices and
stores are open as usual. Public
transport services run to their usual
timetables. Restaurants and hotels