Four reasons to go back to school
as a senior citizen
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If you’re looking for something to do when
you retire, consider going back to school. It can
be a challenging, engaging and fulfi lling way to
occupy your golden years. Here are some reasons
it may be right for you.
1. Financial benefi ts.
Learning new skills at school could lead to you
securing an additional source of income, thereby
making your retirement more comfortable and
keeping you busy to boot. If, for any reason, you
need to stay employed after you reach the age of
retirement, developing new skills or honing the
ones you have could open the door to better jobs.
2. Fulfi ll your goals.
Many people end up putting aside their youthful
aspirations to deal with the fi nancial realities of
life. In this type of case, retirement could be an
opportunity for you to pursue passions you had
to put on hold and complete courses, or even a
degree, in a fi eld of study you love.
3. Be mentally stimulated.
Research suggests that seniors who are mentally
active are less likely to show signs of Alzheimer’s
disease or dementia. Plus, taking courses can have
benefi cial psychological effects and provide you
with something to focus on and work towards.
Some classes are specifi cally designed for older
students, which allows you to learn new skills
while building your network. Social connections
can be a source of support and improve your
overall quality of life.
Many universities and colleges offer discounted
rates for senior students, and you may be able to
audit some classes for free. This information is
usually available online. Otherwise, you can call
the institution you’re interested in to fi nd out
4. Avoid isolation.
Social isolation is a serious concern for seniors
and going back to school can help prevent it.
Senior Connections HJ.COM
Connections September 2019