National Assisted
Living Week is
Sept. 9 to 15
The National Center for Assisted Liv-
ing (NCAL) has designated Sept. 9 to
15 as Natianal Assisted Living Week.
According to the NCAL website,
National Assisted Living Week®, es-
tablished in 1995, provides a unique
opportunity for residents, their loved
ones, staff, volunteers, and the sur-
rounding communities to recognize
the role of assisted living in caring for
America’s seniors and individuals with
The annual observance encourages
assisted living communities around the
country to offer a variety of events and
activities to celebrate the individuals
they serve, as well as to help educate
members of the public about this dis-
tinctive aspect of long term care.
“Capture the Moment” is this year’s
theme for National Assisted Living
Week, which hopes to inspire residents
to realize their dreams and seize the
day. Simultaneously, the theme also
supports refl ection, as residents may
look back on the pivotal moments in
their lives. With the theme’s word play
referencing photography, residents may
refer to pictures or videos from their
The theme also aims to remind as-
sisted living staff that often the little,
everyday interactions with residents
can deliver high quality, person-cen-
tered care. Assisted living communi-
ties across the country are encouraged
to organize activities and events during
NALW that help residents celebrate
their past while also enjoying the pres-
In the announcement of the theme,
NCAL Executive Director Scott Tittle
said, “We want this year’s National As-
sisted Living Week to help overcome
the stigma that older adults in assisted
living communities, and other settings
for that matter, don’t have a purpose in
life anymore. No matter your age, we
should all be living life to its fullest.
Assisted living caregivers help seniors
realize this by supporting them with
everyday tasks, while maximizing their
independence and honoring their indi-
Information is from the NCAL web-
Connections September 2018
Senior Connections HJ.COM