Senior Connections Senior Connections Feb 2019 | Page 7
The anti-bucket list
Bucket lists have been quite popular in recent years, and
despite my normal aversion to anything trendy, I suppose
making a bucket list isn’t such a bad idea.
Writing things down increases the likelihood we will ac-
tually do them, and making the list might even help us to
identify the things we want to accomplish.
A colleague recently drew to my attention the fact that
he has an anti-bucket list, and that seems like an even better
An anti-bucket list is a statement of things we don’t want
to do.
It occurred to me that although I had never formalized an
anti-bucket list, there are plenty of things I would put on such
a list were I to make one.
Following the logic “it is better to have things written
down,” I have done so.
Making this list has the added benefi t that if I am ever in-
capacitated or become mentally muddled, whomever gets the
job of taking care of me can refer to the list to help me avoid
these things, even if I am unable to avoid them on my own.
Following, in no particular order, is my anti-bucket list:
1) I do not wish to be elected king of anything that is not an
actual country. If anyone comes along and tries to throw one
of those fake crowns or cheesy robes on me, I’m going to hit
them with my stick. Hard. So be warned.
2) The days when you might have talked me into going on
a roller coaster or any of those other rides at an amusement
park are behind me.
I may have done that sort of thing when I was younger,
but at my time of life, I can’t afford to have all my internal
organs shaken around. I might never be able to shuffl e them
back into place.
And, if I want to experience the sensation of dizziness, I
will do it the old-fashioned way – through the liberal applica-
tion of adult beverages.
3) I have vowed never to judge one of those “beautiful ba-
bies” contests. I won’t do it, so don’t ask me. Despite popular
fi ction about their alleged attractiveness, all babies look like
gargoyles to me. It’s not their fault, considering what they
have been through, but I don’t want to look at them.
4) I am cognizant of the fact even at this late date, I prob-
ably still have a few career changes ahead of me. It is my
intention that none of these will involve greeting “guests” at a
big-box retail establishment.
We all have to make adjustments and do whatever is neces-
sary to get by, and I will not disparage any man for the work
he does, provided that work is honest in nature. I am simply
suggesting there are jobs at which I would not excel, and I
would prefer not to have to do them.
Senior Connections HJ.COM
5) I have no intention of jumping out of any aircraft unless
it is absolutely necessary. I gather many people fi nd the expe-
rience exhilarating, but I don’t need that kind of stimulation.
Furthermore, as I look back over the years, it occurs to me
I haven’t always made the best decisions or lived life by the
standards to which I aspire. I am sometimes surprised I have
made it as far as I have. I see no point in tempting The Fates
with an easy opportunity to correct previous oversights by
hexing my parachute and letting gravity do the rest.
6) I will not willingly submit to participating in any or-
ganization, activity, or living arrangement based solely on
advanced age.
The key to remaining vital and alive is to mix with people
of all ages (and preferably with varied backgrounds).
If the only choice is to sit around with a bunch of other in-
mates waiting for the Reaper to come and take me by the hand,
the kindest thing would be to take me out back and shoot me
now, because in my mind, I would already be dead.
When we are very young, our keepers surround us with
people we don’t know, and tell us these are our friends. They
tell us what to do and how to feel. For many unfortunate
souls, this experience is repeated at the end of their lives. I
didn’t enjoy it the fi rst time around, and I don’t intend to be
put in that position again.
7) I am not going to give up all the things I enjoy in ex-
change for a steady diet of whatever the current crop of quacks
says is good for us. There won’t be any bland, tasteless swill
on my menu.
I will continue to drink black coffee, English gin, and good
wine, as much as I can get. Give me luscious layers of lasagne,
classic curry, and chili hot enough
to make me sweat. Whenever I get
a chance, I will track down a Sam-
my’s pizza, or any pizza I can fi nd,
and if I can get that with a double
dose of Italian sausage and extra
cheese, so much the better.
For dessert, don’t forget the
chocolate. I will gladly give up
broccoli and brussels sprouts, but
don’t try to deprive me of choco-
late. And maybe some ice cream.
And if there’s any cake left, I’ll
have some of that, as well. It is ab-
surd to try to extend the duration
of our lives by taking the life out
of our lives.
I’m sure if I give it some thought,
I’ll be able to add to this list. When
the authorities come to cart me off
to a home for bewildered writers,
I will keep a copy pinned to my
bathrobe. I will also keep a good
stout shillelagh handy, and I will
pound knobs on the noggin of
anyone who tries to force me to
I have always been more inter-
ested in quality of life than quan-
tity. Composing an anti-bucket
list will help me remember to live
by my rules rather than someone
else’s, and that’s what I intend to
Connections February 2019