Senior Connections Senior Connections Feb 2019 | Page 5
MUSIC from Pg 2
nights a week from 1963 to 1973. When Noennig
left the Twin Cities to become an educator in Greater
Minnesota, he continued frequently playing with the
Golden Strings until 2016.
Playing music with family has always held a special
place in Noennig’s heart, and it continues to bond his
family today. He grew up performing with his fam-
ily orchestra: mom on piano; dad playing the violin;
brother playing cello; and sister playing the fl ute.
As his children grew and took piano lessons from
their grandmother, they all began to perform for au-
diences. His son, Joel plays string bass; his daughter,
Joy plays the violin; and his daughters, Cathie and
Melissa play keyboard and piano.
In 2005, his daughter, Melissa, asked if the fam-
ily would play for the celebration for the 150th an-
niversary of Glencoe. Noennig invited his kids and
older grandkids to play together, and they formed
Jack Noennig’s family orchestra enjoyed performing
together – David on cello; mother, Thelma on piano; fa-
ther, Nick on violin; Jack on violin; and Judy on fl ute.
the Noennig Family Orchestra. Within a short time,
other musicians from the area joined, and the fam-
ily group became a community group of musicians
– now known as the Community Strings.
The Community Strings invites people of all ages
who enjoy playing violin, viola, cello, bass, and key-
board to join. Musicians as young as 5 years of age,
and as old as 80, communicate through their love of
music. The Community Strings perform locally at
nursing homes, veterans programs, and other com-
munity events.
The annual Christmas performance at Good Shep-
herd Lutheran Church in Glencoe is the highlight of
the Community Strings’ yearly season. The musi-
cians have become stronger every year, and Noennig
bragged that he didn’t need to play his fi ddle this year
because he had so many good musicians.
“The 2018 Christmas performance was one of our
best!” he said.
While refl ecting on highlights of his musical career,
Noennig stated, “It has been a wonderful life, playing
the violin and sharing that gift with others. Whether
it is performing with my family or the many talented
musicians of the Golden Strings and the Community
Strings, it has brought joy to many people. Probably,
the highlight has been to see musicians feel a sense of
pride and satisfaction in our performances.”
Noennig looks forward to the next year of leading
the Community Strings, performing with the com-
munity, and sharing the gift of music.
Jack Noennig at the age of 14.
Jack Noennig with all four of his children, and fi ve grandchildren who play violin.
Senior Connections HJ.COM
Connections February 2019