Senior Connections Senior Connections Feb 2019 | Page 4

a sentence together,” he admitted. Botz spent his career in construction, and is now semi-retired. This past summer, he got injured on a job, “This particular writers’ group was mentioned to me and he used the recovery time to work on an essay about by a friend,” she commented. “It is free, all writers are his uncle who passed away in 2002. welcome, and we choose what we wish to write about.” When Botz read his essay out loud at a recent meeting, Geoffrey has enjoyed writing since early high school, the group was instantly drawn into the storyline and the but that’s not the case for everyone in the group. Some effortless fl ow of the writing. became writers later in life, after fi nding that they had At the end, Jill Robins expressed her appreciation, important stories to share. saying, “Oh, that is so touching, that is beautifully Vic Anderson, for instance, commented that “I took written. . . . My eyes are teared up.” this up a few years ago, and I’ve pursued it pretty May, who teaches writing and research at St. Mary’s aggressively.” University in Minneapolis, also seemed impressed. During his career, Anderson had been a marine, a “It’s an excellent example, Tom, of a really well- businessman, and police offi cer. Anderson wishes his developed story. It has all the elements,” May said. grandparents had left a written The next person to read legacy, so he is now trying to was Katherine Bart. do that for his own family and Her story centered on Join the writers’ group friends. a small boy playing in New members are always welcome “I want to let people know the snow, and included in the Delano Senior Center writers’ who we are and what we can vivid descriptions. May do,” he shared. group. commented that it was Roger Swenson also writes “picturesque,” like Meetings take place the fi rst and third about real-life events, and is a Norman Rockwell Thursday of the month at 10:30 a.m. working on creating a memory painting or a Hallmark The senior center is located at 234 2nd book. He started his career as greeting card. a high school social studies St. N. For more information, contact Art Thole also shared teacher and counselor, and his work, reading three Ted May or Nick Neaton at the senior went to law school at night. He rhythmic poems. Thole center, 763-972-0574. then returned to his hometown said he used to write in western Minnesota where poetry as a teenager, and he practiced law for 32 years. is now picking it up again. “I’ve been having fun writing about a few of my cases Thole and the other writers in the group have that I’ve had,” said Swenson, who moved to Delano discovered that one is never too old to create something 12 years ago to be near his three children and seven for others to enjoy. In fact, they’ve found that older adults grandchildren. are often at an advantage when it comes to storytelling. Although a number of the group’s members were busy “I think seniors have far more to be able to write with careers and children in their younger years, some than juniors,” Anderson commented. “We’ve got heads still found ways to keep improving their writing skills. full of memories and experiences and knowledge. “I journaled while I was raising my family,” Jeanette Unfortunately, I don’t think this society pays very good Silus said. “I think I have about 14 years of journaling.” attention to the benefi ts older people can bring through In addition to being a mother, Silus also had a career writing about who they are, and what they’ve done.” in banking. She was inspired to join the Delano writing For anyone who is interested in writing, Geoffrey’s group after taking a creative writing class in Arizona advice is to “just start!” last winter. “Randomly write down every thought, idea, sayings “I just enjoyed it so much,” she said. you like, description of a thing, person or experience,” Tom Botz is another member who became a writer she noted. “Share what you have written and ask for as an adult. positive feedback from others whose opinions you “When I got out of high school, I could barely string respect.” WRITERS from Pg 1 Medicare Questions? If you are turning 65, becoming eligible for Medicare... 763-241-7900 4 Part D Questions? North Central Insurance is here for you. Ben Bauman, Licensed Agent Senior And writers shouldn’t feel discouraged if their work doesn’t turn out perfectly in the fi rst draft. Geoffrey encourages writers to “edit and edit and re-read and edit.” Joining a writing group is a valuable way to gain feedback and support. The Delano Senior Center writers’ group meets the fi rst and third Thursday of each month at 10:30 a.m. For more information, contact Ted May at the senior center, 763-972-0754. or if you have questions on your current coverage give us a call! Connections February 2019 Senior Connections HJ.COM