Senior Connections Senior Connections Feb 2019 | Page 10
Compelled to create
Cokato man’s 100-year-old mother has had a lifelong zest for art
Associate Editor
People in Cokato and Dassel probably know Mike
Newsom as a husband, father, grandfather, and retired
pastor – but they might be surprised to fi nd out that
Newsom is also the son of a well-known artist.
Back in the early 1960s, Mike’s mother, Eva New-
som, created a theme park called Biblical Gardens.
The attraction was located in Wisconsin Dells, and
featured statues from 13 scenes in the life of Christ.
“It was just the perfect setting,” Mike recalled. “It
was down in a canyon, with layers of sandstone.”
Although Biblical Gardens isn’t around anymore,
memories of it are still vivid in the minds of peo-
ple who visited. In a discussion on
about favorite “no longer there” Wisconsin Dells at-
tractions, for instance, one person wrote “I always
liked Biblical Gardens. It was a cool, shady oasis – a
place to unwind and see the Bible come to ‘life.’”
Mike was in high school when Biblical Gardens
was created, and he remembers the “tremendous” ef-
fort his mother put into it.
“It was blood, sweat, and tears – literally. It was
long, hard days,” he recalled.
The fi rst fi gures were cast in concrete and weighed
about 400 pounds. Later, Eva worked in fi berglass.
Each colorful, life-sized statue helped to illustrate
various Bible stories about Jesus.
As visitors strolled through the picturesque garden,
they’d start by seeing Jesus as a baby in the nativity
and as a 12-year-old boy at the temple. Then, they’d
move through to see Jesus’ baptism, blessing little
children, calling the fi shermen, and being tempted in
the wilderness.
The next section of the park showed the sermon on
the mount, the Last Supper, the betrayal, and the trial.
The fi nal scenes featured Christ bearing the cross,
the crucifi xion, the empty tomb, and the ascension.
Art lessons
Although Eva is most well known for her work
with Biblical Gardens, her artistic talent extended far
beyond sculptures.
Eva was born a century ago, on March 17, 1918,
as Eva Elaine Gragert. As a young child, she gravi-
tated toward drawing, and used what she had – grey
cardboard and a dull pencil – to create pictures.
Sometimes she’d hide behind a bush, because she
was embarrassed to be drawing in front of her many
With 11 children in the Gragert family, money for
things like art lessons was scarce. Eva’s father didn’t
have time for art himself because he was busy with
farmwork, but he saw potential in his young daugh-
He met an acclaimed artist named Marie Hull, who
agreed to give Eva lessons in exchange for eggs and
Eva Newsom (right) was a skilled sculpture artist who created Biblical Gardens in the Wisconsin Dells.
butter. Eva’s father also helped pay for lessons by pos-
ing for one of Hull’s paintings, titled “Sharecropper.”
Hull’s art lessons were eye-opening for Eva, who
was about 15 years old at the time. She told family
members she felt like Helen Keller learning how to
spell the word “water” for the fi rst time.
“It opened her up in a way she never understood
before,” Mike explained.
Eva began painting all kinds of things, and she be-
came quite good at it.
By the 1930s, she was taking art lessons in New
Orleans, and was working at the Louisiana State Ex-
hibit Museum. There, she was part of a team that cre-
ated 23 dioramas, which are still on display today.
According to the museum’s website, Eva focused on
the agricultural dioramas – “designing fi gures, paint-
ing faces and clothing, and arranging the scenery.”
Connections February 2019
For the past seven years, 100-year-old Eva Newsom has
won the pumpkin-decorating contest at her assisted liv-
ing facility.
Senior Connections HJ.COM