Self Portrait Photography | Page 61

Final Thoughts

Time to say farewell is now upon us, now go free and go wild with your camera and take on the world with your artistic visions...

Indeed, there is no better time to get out and practice what you have learned by following the advice given here, freely, with no charge for my time or knowledge.

In total, it took me over 6 months to get the publication up to my very high standard, to the point where it really could have resembled a glossy magazine.

I myself learned a lot along the way, about photography, about the way I work and approach my self portraits.

What began as a rather random but well intended ebook soon turned into a more comprehensive look at self portraiture, with some really solid advice, with tried and tested techniques that work time and time again.

I have been into photography since the late 80's and over time have learned so much, and I am still learning, even right now.

I merely wanted to pass on my knowledge of photography, particularly portrait photography and more specifically self portraiture. I have so much fun doing what I do, and being able to share all that with you guys is such a privilege and an honour, because I feel that all photographers have a responsibility to pass on what they have been taught, be it to complete new comers, to more experienced photographers. Sharing what we know enhances our community so so much.

The truth is, any camera is just a tool, it takes a creative vision to really make a great image, and most of the time leaving the camera to decide which settings are best used is a risky one at that!

But execute your visions properly and you could end up with some stunning images that would not look out of place in the aforementioned glossy magazine.

So that, my friends, really is it. I do hope I have given you something to take away, and that I did not bore you too much, photography is an incredibly fulfilling hobby, and so much fun, so go out and enjoy your time with your camera, and be proud of your self portraits photography!