Self-Injury 1 | Page 6


Burt, Tim. Place of Indecision. 2012. Photography.

Accessed 10 Jun. 2013.


Gill, N.S. Pandora's Box. Painting.

Accessed 10 Jun. 2013.


Langley, Charlotte. Tatooing and Self Harm. 2010. Photography. Accessed 10 Jun. 2013.


Sodahead. Cool Nerds. 2009. Photography. Accessed 10 Jun. 2013.


"Teens, Cutting, and Self-Injury."

Web, MD, 2012. Web. 10 Jun. 2013.

"Top 10 Songs"/"Top 20 Songs". Youtube Video. Online Video Clip. <>

Voyageur, Orange. Emo Style. 2012. Photography.

Accessed 10 Jun. 2013.


Zargari, Sheena. Mean Girls. 2013. Accessed 10 Jun. <>