How to work more effiently ?

7 . " Repeat "
Your notes and concept maps are now ready . Now repeat them at specific �me intervals . Repe��on is important in learning . Because it helps the transi�on of knowledge or skill from consciousness to subconscious .
8 . " Ask ques�ons "
Ask yourself ques�ons about the topics you want to learn . While asking ques�ons , you will be able to iden�fy important places in the subject . Answer the ques�ons you prepared a�er 1 or 2 days . In this way , you will transfer important points to your long-term memory .
9 . " Create workgroups with your friends "
Get together with your friends for a study session at specific �mes . Work with your friends by asking ques�ons to each other . Everyone ' s point of view is different and your friends may have no�ced details on the topics that you did not no�ce .
10 . " Teach "
When we teach , the brain organizes informa�on more logically and consistently . Teach other people the subject in a way they can understand and using understandable language . If the other person understands the subject you are telling , then you have understood that subject . Because you cannot explain the subject you do not understand .
Working smart , not hard , will lead you to success . You can read your notes from morning �ll night . But you only read . It is ineffec�ve to spend �me studying passively reading your notes or highligh�ng key parts of the book . This way of working neither improves your understanding of the subject nor improves your understanding of basic concepts . Reading your notes can be preliminary . However , you need to make an ac�ve effort to learn the subject . Ac�ve effort in learning involves organizing our own learning process , based on the clues described in this lecture .