How to work more effiently ?

4 . " Focus "
You have already done a hard job and started working . Now you need to focus and maintain that . However , the phone standing next to you constantly draws your a�en�on . You want to check incoming messages or check your social media . Therefore you cannot concentrate . Then all you have to do is very simple ; remove factors that prevent you from focusing , such as mobile phones , from your work environment .
5 . " Work with short intervals "
You may start to get bored a�er a while when you are working . Your produc�vity will start to decline at this point . It will not benefit you to con�nue this way . So work with short intervals . You can use the Pomodoro technique .
A�er working for 25 minutes in Pomodoro , you relax your mind by taking a 5-minute break . Thus , you complete 1 pomodoro . You can then con�nue by doing cycles of 25 minutes of work and 5 minutes of rest . You can increase your efficiency by repea�ng these 30-minute cycles .
6 . " Take notes "
The main purpose of the notes is to summarize informa�on . Use diagrams while taking your notes . Iden�fy key concepts that evoke important informa�on to you . Analyze the concepts . Link these concepts together to make connec�ons between topics and create a concept map .