Growth Mindset vs . Fixed Mindset
People with a fixed mindset tend to avoid struggles , easily give up when faced with obstacles , ignore the effort , disturbed with cri�cism , feel threatened by the success of others . As a result , these people may give up before the usual �me and reach less of their poten�al .
People with a growth mindset tend to embrace difficul�es , not be daunted by setbacks , see effort as a way of mastering , learn from cri�cism , learn from others ' success and be inspired . As a result , these people reach higher levels of achievement and have a greater sense of free will .
The growth mindset is not just about effort . Perhaps the most common misconcep�on is to equate the growth mindset with effort alone . Undoubtedly , the effort is the key to students ' success , but the effort is not the only thing . Students need to try new strategies and get ideas from other people when they get stuck .
Just pure effort is not enough for success . A mixture of these approaches is needed to learn and succeed . Nowadays , praise is o�en given to students who make an effort but do not learn . To make them feel good , it is o�en said to them : “ You made great efforts ! You did your best !”
It ' s good that students effort , but remember it ' s not good if they don ' t learn . At this point , parents and teachers should display very dynamic approaches to the educa�on and development of children . Please , remember ! If you have a growth mindset , the whole life can change for you .
Fixed Mindset : “ In a fixed mindset , people believe their basic quali�es , like their intelligence or talent , are simply fixed traits . They spend their �me documen�ng their intelligence or talent instead of developing them . They also believe that talent alone creates success — without effort .” ( Dweck , 2015 )
Growth Mindset : “ In a growth mindset , people believe that their most basic abili�es can be developed through dedica�on and hard work — brains and talent are just the star�ng point . This view creates a love of learning and a resilience that is essen�al for great accomplishment .” ( Dweck , 2015 )