Self Defense Magazine Semester 2 Self Defense Magazine on Drugs | Page 9


Cocaine is a stimulant.

Cocaine, also called crack, coke, or lady, is a fine white or off white powder that is extracted from the leaves of the coca plant. Crack is cocaine that has been further processes with baking soda, it looks like small flakes or rocks.

Cocaine is usually sniffed/snorted or injected, while crack is smoked.

-Short term use can lead to loss of appetite, faster breathing, increase of heart rate. Users may react randomly violent.

- Long term use can do different things depending on how is is used. If it is sniffed it can severely damage nasal tissues, smoking can cause respiratory problems, and injections can lead to infectious diseases. Whatever way it is taken they will also experience malnutrition, weight loss, disorientation, and long lasting distortions of reality.

-Excessive use can lead to convulsions, seizures, heart failure, or stroke.

Note: Mixing cocaine with alcohol is extremely dangerous and can easily lead to death.