Self Defense Magazine Semester 2 Self Defense Magazine on Drugs | Page 8


Cannabis is a cannabinoid.

Cannabis, also called pot, weed, marijuana, is a type of plant. There are two main types, smoking cannabis and hash oil. All forms of cannabis are usually smoked but the oil can also be swallowed when brewed in tea.

Cannabis will make users feel relaxed and happy. They may also see a more vivid sense of sight, smell, taste, and hearing.

-Short term use can lead to increased appetite and pulse rate. They may also had problems performing physical and intellectual tasks.

-When consuming large doses, the perceptions of sounds and colours can be sharpened while their thinking is slow and much more dazed.

-If the dose is very large, the effects can be similar to hallucinogens and can cause “anxiety, panic, or even psychotic episodes.” It affects everybody differently.

-Regular users risk developing psychological dependence until they lose interest in all other activities and relationships.