Also, only defend yourself to the same degree that you might possibly be injured. If, for example, someone pulls a knife on you, it would not be considered self defense to pull a gun from your pocket and shoot the assailant in the head. At most in this example it might be considered self defense if you shoot them in the leg to prevent them from chasing after you when you run away. You can also defend those who need it. If there is someone else who is about to die, you can defend them but it might not be considered self defense by law. It would most likely be considered the right of defense of others.
Your defense should always be proportional to the attack. "[a] person is privileged to use such force as reasonably appears necessary to defend him or herself against an apparent threat of unlawful and immediate violence from another." (Wikipedia) If someone is coming to mug you and surprises you and you punch them automatically then they fall and hit their head and die, that would not be self defense, and would not be under the same category. That would be an accident, but you would still probably be changed with murder. If someone is holding a knife towards you, and you are sure they are going to try to kill you, you have the right to protect yourself to the point of lethal force if necessary. If you punch the attacker in the jaw and knock them out, it is no longer necessary to continue fighting and you are no longer under the category of self defense. The line of self defense can become pretty thin at times. “Outside of the western world, justifiable self-defense tends have very similar parameters, including limitations to reasonable or proportionate use of force based on the magnitude of the crime. But there may be exceptions that are hard to reconcile with human rights.” (Wikipedia)
In conclusion I hope to never be in a position where I have to decide what I will do if I am attacked. I am confident that I will follow what I have learned and first be aware of my surroundings and identify any possible dangerous places nearby. I will carefully avoid any places that has a reputation for being dangerous, and similarly avoid people that might become dangerous. If I should ever have the misfortune of falling into a position where I would have to choose between killing someone or myself dying, I will know that it is appropriate to kill for the sole purpose of self defense if there are no other options available.