Self Defense and the Law
I believe that it is appropriate to kill as long as it is in self defense. If you have no choice, if they will kill you, then you can protect yourself to the point of killing, but only if absolutely necessary. This has been a question of morality for years. Is it okay to take the life of another human being, another person who is a father, a brother, a husband, a sister, daughter or wife to someone? Is it okay to end the life of someone who might have much more to do before they die?
If you are attacked and have the chance to run away, then do so. That is always the better option. Flight instead of fight. If you have the chance to get away, even if it is without your wallet, it is better than being forced to fight.
Sometimes though, it is impossible to run away. If someone has you backed into a corner where you can not escape and is about to stab you with a knife, then you can defend yourself. If you choose to physically counter attack then you should try to just injure, not to kill. Do not use deadly force to protect your wallet, but do use it to protect yourself or those around you. If the attacker was injured and fell to the floor after you broke his rib, then run away, do not stay and continue fighting until they, or more likely you, die. Only kill if you have no other option and you will die if you do not fight. If you choose to stay when you have the possibility to escape it is no longer legally self defense.