Selected Bibliography Architecture - Form Space and Order | Page 433

G L O SSARY synagogue A building or place of assembly for Jewish worship and religious instruction. ta A pagoda in Chinese architecture. technology Applied science: the branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means and their interrelation with life, society, and the environment, drawing upon such subjects as industrial arts, engineering, applied science, and pure science. tectonics The art and science of shaping, ornamenting, or assembling materials in building construction. temenos In ancient Greece, a piece of ground specially reserved and enclosed as a sacred place. tensile structure A thin, flexible surface that carries loads primarily through the development of tensile stresses. terrace A raised level with a vertical or sloping front or sides faced with masonry, turf, or the like, esp. one of a series of levels rising above one another. tetrastyle Having four columns on one or each front. tholos A circular building in classical architecture. threshold A place or point of entering or beginning. tokonoma Picture recess: a shallow, slightly raised alcove for the display of a flower arrangement or a kakemono, a vertical hanging scroll containing either text or a painting. One side of the recess borders the outside wall of the room through which light enters, while the interior side adjoins the tana, a recess with built-in shelving. As the spiritual center of a traditional Japanese house, the tokonoma is located in its most formal room. topography The physical configuration and features of a site, area, or region. torana An elaborately carved, ceremonial gateway in Indian Buddhist and Hindu architecture, having two or three lintels between two posts. torii A monumental, freestanding gateway on the approach to a Shinto shrine, consisting of two pillars connected at the top by a horizontal crosspiece and a lintel above it, usually curving upward. trabeate Of or pertaining to a system of construction employing beams or lintels. Also, trabeated. transept The major transverse part of a cruciform church, crossing the main