Selected Bibliography Architecture - Form Space and Order | Page 432

G L OS S A RY having a rectangular base and four stepped and sloping faces culminating in a single apex, used in ancient Egypt and pre-Columbian Central America as a tomb or a platform for a temple. qibla The direction toward which Muslims face to pray, esp. the Ka‘ba at Mecca. Also, the wall in a mosque in which the mihrab is set, oriented to Mecca. quoin An external solid angle of a wall, or one of the stones forming such an angle, usually differentiated from the adjoining surfaces by material, texture, color, size, or projection. rampart A broad embankment of earth raised as a fortification around a place and usually surmounted by a parapet. rath A Hindu temple cut out of solid rock to resemble a chariot. ratio Relation in magnitude, quantity, or degree between two or more similar things. reentrant Reentering or pointing inward, as an interior angle of a polygon that is greater than 180°. regular Having all faces congruent regular polygons and all solid angles congruent. repetition The act or process of repeating formal elements or motifs in a design. rhythm Movement characterized by a patterned repetition or alternation of formal elements or motifs in the same or a modified form. roof The external upper covering of a building, including the frame for supporting the roofing. room A portion of space within a building, separated by walls or partitions from other similar spaces. rustication Ashlar masonry having the visible faces of the dressed stones raised or otherwise contrasted with the horizontal and usually the vertical joints, which may be rabbeted, chamfered, or beveled. sanctuary A sacred or holy place, esp. the most sacred part of a church in which the principal altar is placed