Selected Bibliography Architecture - Form Space and Order | Page 20

P OI N T E L E M E N T S A point has no dimension. To visibly mark a position in space or on the ground plane, a point must be projected vertically into a linear form, as a column, obelisk, or tower. Any such columnar element is seen in plan as a point and therefore retains the visual characteristics of a point. Other point-generated forms that share these same visual attributes are the: • circle Tholos of Polycleitos, Epidauros, Greece, c. 350 B.C. • cylinder Baptistery at Pisa, Italy, 1153–1265, Dioti Salvi • sphere Piazza del Campidoglio, Rome, c. 1544, Michelangelo Buonarroti. The equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius marks the center of this urban space. Cenotaph for Sir Isaac Newton, Project, 1784, Étienne-Louis Boulée Mont S. Michel, France, 13th century and later. The pyramidal composition culminates in a spire that serves to establish this fortified monastery as a specific place in the landscape. P RIMARY ELEMENTS / 5