Selected Bibliography Architecture - Form Space and Order | Page 19

PO INT • A point marks a position in space. Conceptually, it has no length, width, or depth, and is therefore static, centralized, and directionless. As the prime element in the vocabulary of form, a point can serve to mark: • • • • the two ends of a line the intersection of two lines the meeting of lines at the corner of a plane or volume the center of a field Although a point theoretically has neither shape nor form, it begins to make its presence felt when placed within a visual field. At the center of its environment, a point is stable and at rest, organizing surrounding elements about itself and dominating its field. When the point is moved off-center, however, its field becomes more aggressive and begins to compete for visual supremacy. Visual tension is created between the point and its field. 4 / A R C H ITE C TU R E : F O R M , S PA C E , & O R D E R